Each and everyone of these sluts have something interesting to offer to the public. Some have large breasts, some nice perky tits, some amazing beautifull eyes, some really know how to please cock. As we all know, every women is a little diamond, the problem is that you have to find the right jeweler to uncover the scintillating side in it. STOP! I know, you are thinking this, wtf, am I on a philosopher website??? No no no, you are on a porn adult website, a public rough sex one, to be more specific. I was trying to act smart, but I think I shall let the other bee, and just stick to the subject. As much as I can lol. These sluts are forced to perform in the daylight in public places like streets, plazas, clubs, bars, etc, and the watchers are some times invited to this. If you are in the right place at the right time, and you feel like spanking someone, and sticking your cock inside a throat, your desire might become reality. ENJOY!!!